Delegate, if you want your business to grow | Faby and Carlo

If you want to move one step up in your business, you need to delegate as much as possible. To delegate, you need to get comfortable in not having everything under control, in having things done in another way. And you have to be ok with that. As small business owner, to delegate may mean to give away some of the things you feel they are integral part of you; however, if you want your business to grow and flourish, you need to delegate. Of course, if you feel that where you are today is where you want to be, if you feel that your income is at the level you want and your free time is the perfect one, then the idea of delegate is not for you. If the idea of delegating part of what take away time has sparkled your interest, and you want to know how you can do it, the feel free to read on (and comment or share, things that are always welcome). Delegate means giving a task to someone else to complete it. It is as easy as it gets. Small business owners, photographers included, generally build their business entirely on their shoulders. We feel that having everything under control will give us the possibility to steer our business in the right direction. We need to overcome the fear of letting go of this control in order to delegate…….
