I used to be a prime guy… FujiFilm XF 50-140 | Doug Shobbrook

Up until recently I was proud to call myself a ‚prime shooter‘.  My camera bag was full of sharp, fast, Fuji prime lenses.  The first two lenses I purchased when buying my X-T1 were the 14mm f2.8 and the 35mm f1.4  After a few weeks, I returned to my camera store to pick up the 23mm f1.4 and 56mm f1.2, my set of ‚primes‘ was complete. These four lenses, along with my trusty Fuji x100s served me well for over a year while living in Cambodia. They were small, light and sharp and suited my style of photography. They allowed me to get up close to and interact with my subjects in a ’non-threatening‘ manner due to their discrete size when matched with the X-T1.  Since returning to Australia I’ve continued to shoot portraits, however Buddhist monks have been replaced with Brisbane families and rice farmers with fashion bloggers.  In this new environment I’ve found myself shooting most of my portrait sessions primarily with the Fuji 56mm f1.2. My need to stay discrete had been replaced by the need for ‚extra reach‘ and an ability to isolate my subject from an undesirable background……

Source: www.unsuburban.com

Fujifilm Fujinon XF50-140mm F2.8

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