
Leica M9 Revisited | Patrick Leong

I finally had some free time this weekend, so I did some much needed spring cleaning of my hard drive.  I accumulate photos fast, and I have a bad habit of telling myself that I will store my photos properly another day but then I don’t.  Going through my hard drive is not something I was excited about but it was nice to look back at some of my old photos. Sometimes (especially in the digital world), I feel like all I’m doing is shooting, then processing, shooting, then processing.  There are times when I don’t really get the chance to just sit back and look at what I shot, and going through my old photos was really nice because each one brought back a specific memory.  And for me, part of why I love photography is that it helps me preserve memories, and experiences that I went through.  Thoughts like the weather, what I was thinking at the moment, and what I was doing at the time have been flooding back into my head.  I shot a lot with my Leica M9, and low and behold, I actually found a folder with some of my M9 shots, so I thought I’d post a few…..

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