
Without Reception | Sven Schroeter

Maybe my wife thought it was funny to book a trip for the close of 2013 without cell phone coverage, or an active internet connection, but having come out the other end feeling the way I do, I totally get it. The experience was definitely worth the withdrawl. Constantly glued to the keyboard and enslaved to the drum of social media’s beat was taking its toll. The plan over the break was to head into the New Zealand alpine regions, embarking on another one of the countries great walks: the Kepler. Wandering through beech forest, along lake shores, listening to rolling thunder through the valleys and placing one foot after another, while engulfed in vast valleys and snow capped peaks, is a great way to clear the air and your head. Almost all my nature work comes from the vast and varied landscapes of New Zealand, but the stunning views and painting perfect vistas come at a price. Day one of four on the Kepler was spent amongst native bush; winding into the hills it was a slog in the heat, with nothing but up and more up around every bend, for six very long hours. With a 15 kg pack on your back, bursting at the seams, each step was a mental battle until the trail gave up its bounty and the views pushed the constant reminder of aching hip and knee joints deep into your subconscious……

See more pictures from New Zealand on www.bokeh-monster.com