Alpine Sunrise – my spirit home in Australia | Noah Stammbach
I had the car for just two days. After spending the night in Jindabyne, we had until midday to explore the Aussie alps. Blue Lake seemed a good destination for a sunrise, so we set out at 4am. Rain droplets sparkled in the night as we hiked. A blanket fog mingled with rain clouds, pushing the humidity well past 95%. Once your shoes got wet, they just got wetter. It was still too dark to see beyond the edge of the track so I imagined sweeping valleys and steep drop offs. Amongst some granite boulders I spotted a shy wallaby. Rain droplets sparkled in the night as we hiked. A blanket fog mingled with rain clouds, pushing the humidity well past 95%. Once your shoes got wet, they just got wetter. It was still too dark to see beyond the edge of the track so I imagined sweeping valleys and steep drop offs. Amongst some granite boulders I spotted a shy wallaby…….
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