Beauty in Cuba | Tjeerd in ‚t Veen

Cuba, an interesting mixture of beauty, problems, friendly people, culture and complex history. There are 11 million people living in Cuba, 2 million are living in Havana. Many cities, such as Cienfuegos, Camagüey and Santiago de Cuba exists of many squares and churches. But compared to Havana, the other cities are small towns. It’s huge, vibrant and easy to stay a week there without getting bored. Cuban people are very friendly and love to talk. Although there are many mixed races, I didn’t notice any racism. Life is tough enough without it. The more you drive west, the richer the country appears. You’ll see nicer cars, better clothes, better food and bigger stores. Go east and you’ll go more rural. You’ll see more donkeys, smaller buildings and also poorer people unfortunately……..


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