Big Images and Small Cameras in the City | Mark Schueler

I’m not sure I need too many reminders about why I have enjoyed the switch to a Fuji sys­tem so much. I have out­lined many of the rea­sons in pre­vi­ous posts, and now I find myself in Brook­lyn to shoot a wed­ding, and I am reminded once again of why I wax so poetic about these lit­tle guys. It’s hot and humid here in the city this weekend–the summer’s last hard push before giv­ing way to cooler, drier fall weather. The close­ness of the build­ings, the wide swaths of con­crete, the subway–they all con­cen­trate and hold the heat and humid­ity close to you, like a warm damp blan­ket wrapped around you…….
