
Do You Have Insurance for Photography Equipment? | Tom Redd

You have insurance to cover damage to, loss or theft of your photography equipment, or doyou?  We have all heard the words of warning, look both ways before you cross the street, don’t talk to strangers, and read the fine print.  Maybe for photographers it should be read the fine print before you sell a print. Recently a friend of mine (who, for the purposes of this post we’ll call Bill), learned about insurance and the fine print found in policies in an unfortunate way. Bill had his home broken into and some of his expensive photography equipment stolen. Having someone violate your home is hard enough, but the loss of valuable items is like salt in a wound. Finding out that the insurance you purchased and thought protected your loss doesn’t have you covered, might take you to a different state of mind and not in a good way. Read the fine print…..

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