
Fujinon XF 10-24 mm Review | Donato Chirulli

I must admit I was waiting to test this new Fuji zoom lens for several reasons. The most important being the fact that it covers a focal range that wasn’t covered by the Fuji lenses lineup, with the exception of the XF 14mm F2.8 (you can read the review Here). In my opinion a lens like this is absolutely indispensable for architecture, reportage, interior design, landscape and street photography. Enthusiasts or Professionals it doesn’t matter, you need a lens like this. I would also say that if I had to chose one lens only, this would probably be a lens like this or a 24-70mm, that however is not present in Fuji’s lineup. The latter is the usual general purpose lens, while the 10-24 (15-36mm equivalent) allow to cover some specific use but can also be somehow considered a general purpose lens. Given the quality of the 14mm lens there were all the reasons to expect great results from this new zoom lens so as soon as I could put my hands on it I decided to test it out to know what this lens ic capable of…..

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Fujifilm Fujinon XF10-24mm F4.0

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