Goodbye Fuji, Welcome Sony! | Husam Mneimneh
I had the Fuji X-Pro 1 since June 2012 … and it was my main camera for 18 months before I got the Nikon Dƒ early 2014. After I got the Dƒ, the X-Pro1 was rarely used, as I was using the Dƒ and Leica M240 most of the times. I decided to convert the X-Pro 1 to Infrared at Life Pixel in April 2015, and I was always waiting for an X-Pro 2 to go along the X-Pro1 IR. I got the X-T1 Silver Graphite end of May 2015, since waiting for an X-Pro2 seemed like waiting for Godo. I had the chance to try the Sony A7II early June 2015, less than 15 days after I got the X-T1…. and suddenly all was clear to me … I sold my Nikon D800E , my whole Fuji system (X-Pro1 IR, X-T1 SG with 14/2.8, 23/1.4 and 56/1.2 and all its accessories), and my Nikon D3s in less than 2 months. Having the Nikon Dƒ, Leica M6/M9/M240 and now the Sony A7II, I didn’t find a reason why the Fuji X system should stay……
Fuji X-T1
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