Leica M (Typ 262) – Reduction to Rangefinder Photography
(at 1000 € less) | Leica Blog
What about the rumors that the Leica SL is the death knell for the Leica M System? Or about the next Leica M having an electronical viewfinder? Only a month later the Leica M (Typ 262) proves the opposite. The Leica M262 is no successor to the Leica M240 but reduces to the essential, in this case to the rangefinder photography. New to Leica: Even the price was reduced… In a nutshell: The Leica M (Typ 262) lacks live view and video functionality but costs 1000€ less than the Leica M240…….
Source: www.l-camera-forum.com
Leica M Type 240
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