LNDNWLK 2.0 – Taking online friendships offline | MirrorLessons

Too many times have I heard the complaint that social media, despite the connotation of its name, has rendered us more antisocial than ever before. Locked away in our rooms, we chat with individuals who play no part in our actual day-to-day existence, tricking ourselves into believing that our social life is much richer than it actually is. This is why Mathieu and I are both firm believers that the “social media cycle” isn’t complete until online relationships are taken offline. As friendly as you can become with people via a social platform such as Twitter or Google+, there is nothing quite comparable to meeting someone face-to-face……
The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Spain, Ireland, the USA, Canada and the UK–eight nations enjoying one another’s company under one roof in the cosmopolitan city of London, all thanks to relationships being taken from the superficial online realm to the geniune offline world. This is the true definition of social media, and the spirit with which LNDNWLK came into being……..
Source: www.bestmirrorlesscamerareviews.com