Photoshop is Photography; and This is Why | Chris Gampat

There are many schools of mind and thought when it comes to defining what a photograph is. Some say that a photograph is exactly what comes out of the camera and nothing more. Others tend to argue that using Lightroom is alright. Still others continue to say that the world of presets, HDR and other methods are untrue to what photography is. Photography in its colloquial term basically means painting with light. It started with the obscura, moved onto things like tin types, then film, and now digital. For most of photography’s years, the darkroom was the king. We base a lot of what we do in Lightroom and Photoshop off of Darkroom methods. But to this day, if you say that some concepts in Photography result in not an actual Photo being created, then there are years and years of darkroom photographers that would prove you otherwise…….

Source: Photoshop is Photography; and This is Why