The Leica M3 DS – Double Stroke vs. Single Stroke | 35MMC

Since writing my first Leica M3 post – and in fact actually not long after I published it – I found myself in the possession of a rather tatty Leica M3 double stroke. At the time of writing this first post I had no direct experience of an early model, yet despite this I managed to be fairly fervent in my conclusions about buying a late model. Because of this I thought it worth an update to reflect this more recent and actual hands on experience of the M3 DS. Before I get stuck into this post, let me just point out that this is effectively a part 2 to the first Leica M3 post. So if you have stumbled across this looking for general info, or if you want broader depth of opinion on these cameras, I’d start here first……


Leica M

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