Two Steps to Make the X100s the Best Street Camera | James Conley

We previously discussed the benefits of shooting achromatic, and we’ve also discussed how to make the Fuji X100s into a high-ISO achromatic machine. This is a great first step into embracing the world of documentary street photography and getting your mind in synch with moments and gestalt. But we can do even better! {Better still, most of these tips can be used on many of the Fuji X-Series camera bodies. Street photography is about capturing moments, and moments for a photographer are about not only about being able to work fast, but also being unobtrusive. The Leica is still the gold standard for fast and unobtrusive work. After you’ve made your Fuji X100s into a Fuji Monochrom, there are two more steps to take to make the camera as Leica-like as possible. The first one is quick and easy. The last one takes some getting used to, and is optional…….


Fuji X100S

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