Where to Get Fuji X-Pro 2 Raw Files | Thomas Fitzgerald
The recent Lightroom and Camera raw updates added support for the newly announced, but yet to be released, X-Pro 2. I was curious to see how the raw files looked given the history of Lightroom and X-Trans files, but as the camera isn’t out yet, I can’t exactly rent one. After doing a bit of searching however, I did come across a couple of sites with sample raw files you can download. It should be noted that both of these sets are taken with pre-production samples of the camera as far as I can tell, so bear that in mind. I’m reluctant to comment on Lightroom’s handling of the X-Pro 2 files until there’s production samples out there…but I’m going to anyway! So far I’m not overly impressed. I had kind of hoped that the additional resolution might have overcome some of the previous issues, or they might have taken the time to give us the fix they promised ages ago (6 months and counting), but it doesn’t seem to be the case……