
Winter in Belgium… or some of it – Fuji 18-55 mm, 35 mm and ND filter | Régis Lessent

Winter in Belgium is way different in 2013 than it was in 2012. We reached the 15°C when last years it was… -10°C! Therefore, last year’s white mantel let place to water, fog and sun. The short days and christmas decorations helped to play with the high iso settings or long exposures. I recently bought the 18-55mm lens. As I never had a wide angle / zoom lens before, (except on this test) it took me a few shots before getting confortable with it. In fact, to tell the truth, I’m still not confortable with it… but at least I now like it. Because, yes, two weeks after I bought it, I tought I would sell it back. Compared to the 35mm 1.4 it wasn’t fast enough and I wasn’t taking any good picture, neither wide nor zoomed. Now I know a bit better when to use it or not. I know how fast it focuses at 18mm and what to expect from the image stabilisation. Now I know my 35mm is still the best, in low light and how versatile the 18-55mm is. Two more things I prefer about the 35 is it’s size and it’s marked aperture ring. One more thing. I bought a ND filter for long exposures and wide aperture in full light. The seller told me a 64x would be ok. He was right… and not right. It works for long aperture under a cloudy sky but not on a sunny day. I didn’t have the chance to try the wide aperture in full light yet. FYI I put the ND filter on the 35mm……

See more pictures on www.regislessent.com