
CitraSolv & Photography | Karen Johnson

I am late posting this week because I was in Pennsylvania the entire weekend shooting some great abandoned places.  I hope to have something to show from at least one of the areas next week.  I work really long hours during the week as well as having a long commute so I get backed up on everything when I spend the entire weekend shooting.  A sacrifice I’ll gladly make anytime. I heard about this process of making paper for textured backgrounds through a Creativelive workshop I watched with the wonderful photographer, Jennifer Hudson.  She talked about using an old National Geographic and a natural cleaner/degreaser called CitraSolv to create textures that she uses on her photographs.  I looked it up on the web and there is actually an artist gallery on CitraSolv’s webpage.  What you do is take an old National Geographic (I purchased 164 of them for $32 from a very nice man on Craigslist), you tear out the advertisements and either working outside or inside at a table that is covered (I had an old shower curtain that covered my kitchen table) you pour or brush the Citrasolv on the pages of the National Geographic and the CitraSolv reacts with the ink and paper and creates this …..

See on karenjohnsonphotography.wordpress.com