
New Fujifilm | Tim Bray

I just picked up a new Fu­ji­film X-T1. It’s about the most-reviewed cam­era in re­cent his­to­ry and there’s very lit­tle I can add to that tsuna­mi of word­s; so this is short. The pic­tures here were tak­en at a high-school-student writ­ten/di­rect­ed/per­formed mu­si­cal that my son was mixed up in. He can be spot­ted if you know what he looks like (hin­t: Not like me at al­l). I used the ad­vanced tech­nique of slap­ping the 35mm F/1.4 on the cam­er­a, set­ting ev­ery­thing on au­to­mat­ic, and press­ing the shut­ter but­ton. The X-T1 is great for this kind of thing; you can turn off the back screen and shoot with the eye­piece ex­clu­sive­ly, so no glow-in-the-dark, and the shut­ter noise is silky, hard­ly au­di­ble. First of­f, ev­ery­thing I said about the Fu­ji­film X-E1 here and here still ap­plies. That’s an aw­ful­ly good cam­era and this one’s bet­ter…….

See on www.tbray.org