The X-Pro2… Finally! | Neill Soden

Message from Fujifilm SA: „Be there in 5 min.“ I wander off to my gate and get handed the X-Pro2, with the 35mm f/2.0 on it.  „We need it back Monday.“ Really? Ok, then. I say my goodbyes, and start walking back to my flat, looking down at the front of this camera I’ve been waiting for for so long. And it’s basically my X-Pro1. A little bit of sadness that it’s not smashingly different, kinda looks the same. I wonder if there is some battery left, flip the on-switch and put the viewfinder (OVF) to my eye…NICE!!! Now this is where the difference starts coming in already! The text is crisp and clean and small, the frame line is a lot smaller, not as magnified. No, wait. It is a higher res, more space in the viewfinder. Move over to EVF. Oh, does it rotate like the X-T? Yes! I smile……….
