
10 Months On The Road – From Africa to South America | Adrian Seah

Roughly ten months ago, we embarked on this round the world journey. Backpacks stuffed, camera at the ready, and hearts full of anticipation. I had left my job to take off on this trip, this flight of fancy, travelling Africa and South America, not quite sure of what to expect but certain that the sudden plunge into uncertainty would beat the dreary routine that had been gnawing away at me for a while. I still enjoyed my job, but something was missing, creative batteries needed recharging and a two week break wasn’t going to cut it this time. Something a bit more drastic was in order. Something that would jolt me out of my comfort zone, in other words, one for the bucket list. At least, we figured, it would be exciting. And exciting it was, along with awe-inspiring, eye-opening, routine-killing, perspective-changing, adrenaline-pumping, and at times, heart-breaking and tiring, but never boring. Whether it was being offloaded from a bus at midnight in a pitch black town, or being the only outsiders revelling with the locals at a South African township, or driving on a road with more potholes than tarmac, or playing dominos by the side of a road in Cuba, many adjectives could be used to describe our experience but ‘boring’, certainly wasn’t one of them…….

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