28 Lessons I’ve Learned From Life | Eric Kim

I have a very vivid memory as a child: I was around 10-12 years old, and I was in the passenger seat of my mom’s car. We were driving around, got lost, and ended up in some shady neighborhood. My mom saw a guy on the side of the street, and pulled up to him and asked him for directions. At first, I told my mom, “No! Don’t ask that guy for directions, he looks like a thug! Black hoodie, baggy jeans, and he’s black! (as a child I was taught that African-Americans were to be feared). My mom slapped me silly and told me straight-up: “Eric, don’t you ever dare judge people based on their appearances, and whether they are black, white, or asian. They are human beings, and deserve our respect. You receive the energy you give out……

Source: erickimphotography.com