3 Week User Review – Fuji X PRO 2 | Bill Fortney

Almost 6,000 miles, 55 giga-bytes of images, over a hundred locations or photographic spots, all add up to a good test of the New Generation Fuji X PRO 2!  There are tons of reports that go over every feature, and they are numerous and wonderful, but I wanted to give you a photographer’s hands on, extended shoot, evaluation of this wonderful instrument.  First let me apologize to the Nikon F5 film camera, it was rightly called “A Picture Making Machine” and in it’s day, it surely was, today I’m deeming the new X PRO 2, (and it’s associated internal parts), the current “Picture Making Machine!”  When you consider what else is out there on the market that is an unbelievable statement, so let me back it up. Let’s start with the other contenders; the Nikon D810, the Canon EOS 5DS, and the Sony Alpha a 7RII.  Why these three?  Medium format is out of the reach of most photographers, ($$$), While the Panasonic and Olympus make some wonderful cameras and lenses, the 4/3rd sensor limits ultimate quality, especially at high ISO. To service all our needs, an APS-C or full 35mm size sensor is needed.  These three cameras are supported with a full range of optics (except for Sony – which is slowly getting up to speed on lenses, not there yet.)  All of these are well made, with excellent sensors and of very high resolution catagory.  So the battle is set……..

Source: billfortney.com