Adobe Improves X-Trans Processing in Lightroom CC Update:
Promises More to Come | Thomas Fitzgerald
One of the interesting tidbits, buried in the list of bug fixes for the Lightroom CC update that was released yesterday was a mention of improvements to Fuji X-Trans processing in Lightroom. Any long term follower of this blog, knows that Lightroom’s poor quality X-Trans rendering has long been a bug bear of mine, and I’ve sought ways to minimise it and ways to avoid it altogether. There are two major issues with the way Lightroom handles X-Trans files. First, an excessive amount of chroma blur which would often see colours bleed into one and other in areas of high colour contrast. The second is poor handling of fine detail, especially when it comes to foliage and other repeating patterns. Images also have a tendency to have false edges in these situations too. I’ve covered this all before many times, and the original post I did on this some time ago probably explains the issues best…..
Fujinon XF Lenses
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A versatile partner to the X-T1 | Dave Pardue