All I Can Say is Wow – The New Fuji XF 35mm f2.0 R WR |
Ted A. Vieira

Oh man. I wasn’t going to get this lens. I have the original 35mm 1.4 and love the image quality of that lens. It’s really something special. (you can read my love for this lens here) I However, I’ve heard so many Fuji photographers give such raving reviews of this lens that I had to check it out. It Got Here a Day Early! I ordered this lens from B&H and expected it to arrive tomorrow, but at around 4pm this afternoon UPS dropped this (not literally) at my front door. Wow, a day early – that has to be a good omen. Did I Mention It’s Quiet! I quickly put the lens on my X-T1 and started taking a few test shots around the living room. Wow, (I’ll try not to use that word too many more times) I could not believe how quiet the focusing is on this lens. Whereas I think the 35mm 1.4 is the noisiest Fuji lens I own…….


Fujifilm Fujinon XF 35mm F2.0 R WR

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