The ART of BOKEH | Sven Schroeter

Not only is Bokeh beautiful, but it also happens to be a key story telling
element. Once understood, it will open your eyes to new opportunities and improve your work by adding additional punch, wowing your audience. Our band name ‘Bokeh Monster’ came from the frequent use of the technique; shallow depth of field is one of the many ingredients to our unique style. By removing the distracting elements from a background through the use of shallow depth of field techniques, everyone we photograph can be compared on a even playing field. Context and placement are subtracted from the distraction equation, isolating and honing in on a subject’s beauty for honest appreciation…….


The Most Informative Tripod, Monopod and Tripod Head
Buying Guide | Leigh Diprose

Are you finding your landscape, wedding, sports or wildlife photos are a bit blurry? If that’s the case you may need to rethink the way you shoot. Have you ever considered photographing with a tripod or monopod before? If not then you’re missing out on producing the sharpest images you could ever possibly imagine. You see without a tripod or monopod to steady your camera, there’s bound to be camera shake, especially in low light situations. As a landscape, wedding, wildlife and portrait photographer myself I find a good quality tripod and monopod are an essential piece of my kit. The first reason I stated earlier, but secondly you should consider using a tripod or monopod for heath reasons. If you’re anything like me you probably use your camera quite a bit and after a while of carrying around heavy camera equipment it can take a toll on your back, just ask any wedding photographer and I’m sure they’ll agree with me!……


The Mirrorless Debate | Alien Skin Software

We’ve all heard different opinions about the fancy new mirrorless camera systems available today. Some photographers have made the change while others don’t think it wise. I asked a bunch of Alien Skin’s photographer friends to share their thoughts about adopting a mirrorless rig as their main camera. Their responses have really helped solidify my now undying desire to own one. Thanks for spending my money, guys! ;-P You may notice how much controversy there is over these little beasts. It reminds me of the quarrels over film and digital capture in the beginning. Is the market headed that way? What do you think? ……


Profi oder doch nur Amateur? | Patrick Ludolph

Immer mal wieder stolpere ich über eine Diskussion zum Thema Profi vs. Hobbyfotograf, bzw. Amateur. Dabei schwingt unweigerlich auch eine Diskussion über das jeweilige Können des Fotografen mit. Dem Hobbyfotografen stellt man gerne das kleine Wörtchen “nur” voran und degradiert ihn damit. Er ist ja nur Hobbyfotograf. Dem Profi wiederum wird generell unterstellt, dass er ein gewisses, vermeintlich hohes, Niveau bei der Fotografie an den Tag legt. Der Hobbyfotograf stellt sich auch mal unter den Scheffel und macht sich klein. Da kommen dann so Äusserungen wie “Equipment xyz ist nichts für mich, bin ja nur Hobbyfotograf”. Dabei ist es löblich, dass ein Hobbyist sich nicht aufblasen möchte und seien Platz in der Rangordnung unter dem Profi einnimmt. Wie kann man sich auch nur anmassen sich mit einem richtigen echten Profi auf eine Stufe zu stellen. Bescheidenheit ehrt. Nüchtern betrachtet ist das aber alles Bullshit…….


Mirrorless Photography will be the Future | Bryan Caporicci

The topic of mirrorless photography seems to be everywhere these days, and it certainly stirs up controversy in it’s wake, with photographers seeming to pick one “side” or the other. Many of you know that I am a Fuji X-Photographer and that I love my mirrorless cameras. You may even remember a while ago when I wrote about my experiences with mirrorless photography and how it’s inspired me, my perspective and my artistic vision. I recently wrote an article for all about mirrorless photography, and in specific about how it’s changed me as a photographer. The article went viral, with close to 9,000 shares on social media and close to 40,000 photographers taking the corresponding “poll” about mirrorless photography. I estimate that the reach of the article was probably close to 150,000 photographers. Again, like other articles on mirrorless photography, it stirred up a lot of discussion. Let’s talk about the elephant in the room – change. In general, people don’t like change. We become comfortable with the status quo and when anything comes along to shake that up, we get our backs up against the wall and put on our “defensive” hat……


Check out Inspired Eye: Issue 11 – Developing the eyes,
hearts and minds of photographers | MirrorLessons

I was surprised and delighted to see that this issue of Inspired Eye features two photographers with whose work I am already familiar thanks to our social networks: Kevin Mullins, a wedding photographer from the UK, and Thomas Menk, who many of you will recognise as the curator of the informative…

Interview with Thomas Menk in The Inspired Eye magazine

Inspired Eye Issue 11 I was delighted to be interviewed for the amazing Inspired Eye magazine this week :) Inspired Eye is an online PDF magazine written by photographers for photographers. Unlike most other photography magazines, Don Springer and Olivier Read more …

Wie finde ich eigentlich….den Instax Share SP-1 | Mehrdad Abedi

Vor ein paar Wochen habe ich das erste mal von dem Instax Share SP-1 gehört und fand die Idee sehr interessant. Was ist dieser Instax Share SP-1 eigentlich? Im Grunde ist es ein Polaroid Drucker Belichter. Oder anders: Er macht aus einem iOS- oder Android-Gerät eine Polaroidkamera. Aber nicht so …

Lumu review: A clever and well designed light meter
for your phone | Olivier Duong

Conclusion At the end of the day, the Lumu is a well designed and well thought of device. I used it for professional purposes, and will continue to do so, but I like it so much and it’s so useful while being so small, I’ll use it for many things, portraits, street, etc. If you have a compatible s…

Your Responsibility in Building Confidence | Faby and Carlo

Photographing women is challenging and it can be incredibly rewarding. One of the things you need to remember, though, is that as photographer you are dealing with their body confidence. Building confidence in your customer through your images is one of the element that may separate you from the …