Faces of India | Jeremy Lagay

In June 2014 my boss called me : “I’ve registered you to a training, in India, it’s OK for you ?”… Hum, I’d never been to India ! I had heard many things about this country. This kind of general information that makes already in your mind a sort of global picture, “the legend one”. So I would easily say that I had a kind of clear idea about how it would be. I would not surprised anyone of you if I even say a preconceived idea. “Don’t worry, no problem boss, I would love to go to India for this training. Where is it”. “It’s in Bangalore, in September”…Let’s be honest, I had this mix of excitement & stress. A lot to do before to leave, but at least one thing was always in my mind : prepare yourself to take photos of people. I’ve found couple of information on the net to organize my trip & I made everything to get a bit of free time there. Everybody was saying that Indians are very kind to photographs, like a small paradise in this regards. The rest, I would discover it there, surprise… So I left in September, as planned……

Source: jlag.exposure.co

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