
Fuji X-T1 Ergonomic DYI Improvements | Ronald Grauer

I will not talk to you about the quality of the camera, we all know it’s a good camera with some little problem like every camera has. Of course, I couldn’t do anything about what’s going on inside, but I could do something about 2 of the major problem I’ve found on it:
– The eyecup is to small and not deep enough. Mostly when shooting in bright light. And also after 3 years with the Sony Nex camera (Nex 7 than Nex 6), I missed a bit the left side EVF found on the Nex Camera
– The rear 4 pad, which has been discussed on every single review on the net… Almost a shame to design such a pad.
So If you want to try this little fix, feel free…

See on www.stevehuffphoto.com