Fuji X100T Review | Tigz Rice
My main camera – the Canon 5D MKiii – and I have a brilliant working relationship. I’ve been shooting with the 5D series for pretty much the entirety of my professional career and it ticks all the boxes. Except, that is, for when it comes to taking a camera out for those ‘just in case’ days. Or the ‘please bring your camera to the family wedding’ days… I could go on but I’m sure you get the drift. Whilst I have been known to take the Canon 5D MKiii with me for non-work purposes, its size and weight (even with a nifty fifty) is often a deterrent and I end up relying on my iPhone, despite knowing that I’ll regret that decision afterwards. For a long time, I have felt a disconnect between the high production value of the images I produce for clients and the extremely low quality images that I document my own memories with. With this in mind, I’ve been on the hunt for a camera to fill the gap between my business and personal photography. The aim was to find something handbag friendly that could also live up to the expectations of a professional photographer when needed……
Source: Fuji X100T Review – Tigz Rice Studios | Tigz Rice Studios