
Fuji xf 18-55mm vs Fuji xf 14mm | Régis Lessent

Yesterday, I had the chance to try both the 18-55mm zoom and the 14mm prime. Therefore I thought it might be interesting to publish some pictures to show the difference, in term of field of view, between 18 and 14 mm. In my opinion, those little 4mm make quite a big difference. I like very much the extra dramatic effect the 14mm produces. I warn you, I wasn’t there to make a comparision between the lenses. It’s just afterwards, looking at the pictures I took, I realized I took nearly the same shots with the two lenses. Therefore, I wasn’t exactly on the same spot when I took the different pictures. Anyway, I think it still gives a good idea of the two field of view. On the technical side, I was surprised how the AF of the 18-55 felt so different from the 14mm or the 35mm I own. I would say it’s less « brutal » and less noisy. You don’t feel the lenses moving while the AF is working like it does on my 35mm. The 18-55 is also slightly heavier than the two others. To end, I’d like to thanks the Wshop in Woluwe (for belgian readers) who lent me the lenses. I think it’s great they let you borrow the lenses for a couple of hours for free. As well, it’s the only shop I know in Belgium where you can rent the Fuji lenses. Great to choose wisely the lens that suits you the best…….

See on www.regislessent.com

Fujifilm Fujinon XF 14mm F2.8

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