
Is the Fuji XT-1 as good as my 5d3 / D800? | Mike Croshaw

I see this question alot on the facebook groups in particular.  And there is always a lively response.  There seem to be a small crowd of people in these groups whose lives have no meaning unless they are bashing the fuji cameras and comparing them to their high end DSLRs.  Then there are the fuji fans who take the opposite tack of course.  It’s very tiresome so I thought I’d post my thoughts here on the subject.  The fuji XT-1 is not as powerful a tool as the 5d3 or D800.  There is no doubt about that.  However, most of us do not need all the power these cameras bring, and the tradeoff in weight and expense may mean the XT-1 is a better camera for you ( or it may not ). The fuji haters tend to bang on about certain things in these comparisons so I will deal with my take on them here…….

See on www.mikecroshaw.com