
Leica M 240 with 35mm F1.4 FLE – some observations | Tim Ashley

I have called this piece ’some observations‘ because truly bottoming out the performance and the behaviour of some lenses is a Very Big Job – one that requires shooting at every aperture, distance and point of focus and comparing it to an actual or remembered database of peer group lenses. And it’s a job that often begins anew when the lens is mounted on a new camera. The 35 Lux FLE is just such a lens. In a word, it is tricky. Marvellous, wonderful, possessed of impressive technical and artistic qualities, but tricky. And in this it is the diametric opposite of one of the lenses with which I intend to make some comparative observations, the Zeiss 35mm F2 on the Sony RX-1, which is about the least tricky 35mm lens I have used.…..

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