Review of the Fuji XF 16 1.4R WR | Matt McCord

First off, let me start by saying I do not get paid by Fujifilm, nor am I affiliated with them in anyway beside having a love for their products. Secondly, if you want pixel peeping sharpness and noise charts, this isn’t the review for that. I review gear in a real world setting. Basically, I do real world, hands on, reviews of my gear after having used said gear for a period of time long enough for me to have gotten used to it. That being said, I have owned the Fuji XF 16R WR for about two months, and I have shot it almost every day during these past two months. I am coming from the tried and true, and I believe, underrated XF 18 f/2, so I kind of made my comparisons on this lens based on my experiences with that lens as well as other Fuji glass I have owned and used (XF 18 f/2, 23 f/1.4, 35 f/1.4, Zeiss Touit 32 f/1.8, and 56 f/1.2…..

Source: Review of the Fuji XF 16 1.4R WR —