The Lofoten Islands – A Road Trip | Steve Fuller

You know when you see or hear about a place that sounds utterly beautiful and special, and just sticks in your mind, bugging you relentlessly until you give in and book a flight there?   Well the Lofoten Islands in Read more …

Northern light Lofoten February 2016 | Michael Schaake

As I am sitting in my office I get a notification from Facebook. Sebastian arrived on the Lofoten. I always wanted to go there in January or February. So I just booked a flight and here we go again. Sadly Read more …

ENDLESS LIGHT on Exposure | Michael Schaake

Aufgenommen wurden alle Fotos mit einer Fuji X-T1.Dazu das XC 50-230, XC 18-55, XF 10-24, XF 35 und XF 60.Einige sind JPEG aus der Kamera, einige sind in Lightroom aus RAW’s entwickelt.Für mich das ideale System…fotografieren macht wieder Spaß! Wir Read more …