Short test of Fujinon XF2X TC WR teleconverter | Michal Krause

I had unique opportunity to test new Fuji teleconverter XF2X TC WR one day before official announcement. Here is my short preview and few sample photos. Converter was a preproduction sample and was used with  X-Pro2 body and Fujinon XF50-140mm lens (here is Read more …

Sharpness of Fujifilm XF50-140mm lens with XF1,4× teleconverter | Michal Krause

From the first time I started to shoot with Fuji gear, as nature photographer I keep eye on all longer focal lengths X system offers. Recently I recently had the opportunity to test Fujinon  XF50-140mm with XF1,4× teleconverter. I have to say I don’t Read more …