Wildlife Photography with the FujiFilm X-T2 | Timothy Griesel

And last week I was lucky enough to take both the body and the lens for a test drive. Now what do I think of the Fuji? PositivesSIZEThe size of the FujiFilm is incredible. The small size makes the camera appealing especially when travelling as your equipment takes up half the amount of space of conventional DSLR kit.PORTABILITYNow I am not one to generally worry about my personal appearance and image so the smaller size of the FujiFilm didn’t bother me. When I walked into a bird hide and matched myself against the much bigger and more „impressive“ looking Canon and Nikon Kit I noticed something that they couldn’t do, which i managed with ease, and this was to access tighter angles and spaces that would have simply been impossible with larger kit…..

Source: TIMOTHY GRIESEL – Wildlife Photography with the FujiFilm X-T2 — My Fujifilm South Africa
