A year with a Pro- one year on with the Fuji X-Pro1 | SUBERASHI

A year ago I jumped ship from being a Canon user to the world of Fuji and CSC cameras. Having dabbled with the very cool Olympus PEN range I was sure someone would deliver a camera with a smaller footprint than my now long gone 5dMKii but similar performance in the real world for whatever shoot I was getting paid for. As a working product photo guy image quality was ultra important so I couldn’t get the decision wrong. Well a year on and I haven’t missed the Canon gear, missed the camera snobbery that comes with having a big old DSLR, more than anything it’s made me love taking photos more also some cool looks from folk when they see the size of camera but then the image slickness. No it’s not full frame no, it doesn’t have 4k but it has soul bags of soul. From product work in the studio to landscape or street work work its been stellar. Perfect? no focusing can be a tad slow, not as bad as Facebook or Twitter knowledge trolls will have you think. Batteries can be greedy on use but any shooter worth his salt never leaves home with just on cell right? Lightroom works a treat with the RAW files as does Camera RAW. In the Studio it has excelled on projects that needed control of lighting and using it with triggers was and is a breeze. Have used cheap ebay triggers and Pocket Wizard set ups and again the little black box just gets on with it………

Source: www.suberashi.co.uk

Fuji X-Pro1

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