
Reportage in Peru with Leica | Daniel Maissan

At this moment I’m working with a wonderful foundation in Peru. It’s a foundation that helps families with autistic children in Cusco, a city in the Andes. It’s a heart warming and intense experience, which I’d like to share with you. This foundation, Abrazos (www.abrazos-autismo.com – a Spanish/Dutch site) is run by a Dutch lady, living here now for six years already. With the help of experts from the Netherlands, she trained local women to be therapists and so they are now able to help over 170 families in the city. This is done at their headquarters but mostly they do house calls and have one hour sessions with the children in their own house. They asked me to make a reportage about their work and about the children they help. Of course I couldn’t say no. Again I took the Leica Monochrom to do the photography, as the Black & White has been my comfort and love since India. But I also decided to bring the M 240 as a backup. As we got to the first house call, I decided to use it to film the session. I had never done this before, and of course I didn’t bring a tripod or anything, so it’s a bit shaky here and there. Still I’m really happy with the results and it does give a good picture of the help these kids get……

See on www.stevehuffphoto.com