
The Street Collective Vol. 1 for Free on PhotoWhoa | Freddy Martinez

This is the Street Collective.

This is work you must learn from. A collection of the world’s best street, documentary, and fine art photographers. It is energetic. Gritty. In your face and brutally honest. It is a genre of photography not for the faint of heart. Or the unsure. These are images that look for that decisive moment in the chaos. In a lot of ways street photography is one of the most accessible genres to shoot. That’s because there’s no set path, or widely accepted standard. Yet there are some photographers who never stop searching for that perfect moment…..

From our reader Freddy:

We’ve just spent months creating a free e-book with insights from several extremely talented street/doc/fine art photographers. We entitled it „The Street Collective.“
The Street Collective was the result of many hours interviewing top photographers such as Bryan Formhals (of LPV Magazine) and World Press Award winner Laura Pannack about their process and how they achieve their unique looks. We did this to help our audience learn what it takes to make great street photography. It’s completely free, and we’re trying to get the word out about this.
You can see the free e-book here and download your own copy:
You could also check out our interviews on our blog:

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