Wedding in Versailles – Mana and Sylvain | V. Opoku
During the summer, Mana and Sylvain had me along for their Wedding in Versailles and we had a great time. I’ve always wanted to visit, but I seem to run out of time whenever I’m in Paris, so when the opportunity arose to go to Versailles and shoot a wedding at the same time, you can imagine how thrilled I was! However, what was supposed to be a 60 mins flight from London to Paris took more than 4 hours – delayed boarding & departure times and then a change of aircraft due to a fault on the initial plane. I eventually arrived in Paris at 1am on the day of the wedding, but all the trouble was worth it. In the end, it was truly incredible and beautiful experience spending the day with Mana, Sylvain, their family and friends. We partied until 5am!……..
Fuji X-Pro1
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