Fujifilm’s portrait primes. A comparison | Victor Hamke

Hi guys. My name is Victor and together with Ronja I’m part of Muse & Mirror, a wedding photography duo. I’m also a Fujifilm X-Photographer for those who care. I’d like to start with saying what this blog post is about: Read more …

A 3-Day Sri Lankan Wedding | Zyreeta & Vinoth | V. Opoku

Three epic days with some of the warmest and most welcoming people that I have met so far. I am going to let the images do all the talking on this one as it is a long post ; full Read more …


Fujifilm X-Pro2 Review… The Fuji Awakens | James Brokensha

So where do we begin? The Fuji XPro 1 was the camera that started it all for the Fuji X system. Granted the original X100 was the first in line, but it was the XPro 1 that was first to Read more …

Fujifilm X-T2 | James Day

I remember coming home most days to see my dad sitting in front of the TV, watching the bold and the beautiful while flipping through the latest issue of the B&H Catalogue. The catalogue was filled with hundreds of cameras, Read more …

Fuji X-Pro 2 for Wedding Photography and Street Photography | Shotkit

The Fuji X-Pro 2 recently burst onto the scene, hailed by some as a game-changer and as a potentially perfect street and wedding camera.As wedding and street photographers ourselves we have been considering our next move in the camera market Read more …

Christie & Derrick | Riley Joseph

I do not advertise myself as a ‘wedding photographer’. In fact, I only refer to myself as a photographer (& gentleman) because I do not want to constrict what I do. A few months before, I received an unexpected call Read more …


Wedding Photography Bath – Fuji Xpro2 | Michael Gane

Well, I’m really loving the Fuji Xpro2, its been several weeks now using this fabulous camera, its another fuji camera in the X range, as many of you may already know I have been a Fuji wedding Photographer for about Read more …

Wedding Photography Fuji Xpro2 | Michael Gane

After over 20 years documenting wedding’s its quite natural to understand the process, although you would think that each wedding is the same, believe it or not; I still get butterflies the week before, its a good thing (I keep Read more …

3 Chapters and 3 Years of Friendship | V. Opoku

One of the most rewarding things about what I do is the fact that I get to become friends with strangers from all over the world. Isabelle, Florent and I met in person for the first time 3 years ago, just Read more …

Using a Fuji X-Pro2 at a real wedding |  David McClelland

I’m delighted to share with you this wedding of Aoife and Patrick at The G Hotel in Galway. I’d never been to The G and I’m sure that anyone who has been there can agree with me that it’s all Read more …