Why I Chose Fujifilm X100T Mirrorless Camera With Fixed Focal
Length Lens For My Travel Photography | Wazari Wazir
Why I Chose Fujifilm X100T Mirrorless Camera With Fixed Focal Length Lens For My Travel Photography, It’s quite a long title for a blog post, don’t you think so? Anyway, time and time again I get asked a questions regarding a camera choice and I’ve written quite a lot about it, maybe some of you just don’t get it, or simply don’t understand or just don’t want to understand or simply plain ignorance because you gave a million dollar in your bank account. Okay, I just want to make it quick here. I want to talk just a little bit about mirrorless camera. There are basically two types of mirrorless camera, one which you can change the lens and the other with fixed focal lens like what I’m using here which is Fujifilm X100T, yes you can also use different lens with Fujifilm X100T but you need to use an adapter but then, you can’t take out the 23 mm fixed focal lens and insert a new focal length, you just need to screw an adapter in front of the fixed focal lens and then only you can add another lens in front of it……
Source: www.wazariwazir.com
Fuji X100T
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