X-T1 Face Detection AF with the 56mm @ f/1.2 | Chris Dodkin
Face Detection is one of those features, buried away in the AF menus, which you might happily ignore and never try. I always associated it with point and shoot cameras, a nice feature to help people take their family photos, with the family in focus! Including it the X-T1 peeked my interest – so I figured I’d check it out, but give it a really tough test at the same time. How well would Face Detection AF work, when I was shooting wide-open at f/1.2 with the 56mm portrait lens? I made a couple of adjustments to the camera before shooting – setting the High Performance Mode to ON in the Power Menu, the shutter release priority to Focus for S mode, and the minimum shutter speed for Auto ISO to 1/100. I used a Hoya Pro 4 stop ND filter to keep the shutter speeds in range on the X-T1. The idea here was to give the camera the horsepower it needed to provide fast and accurate FD AF, and ensure that the shots were sharp and clean. Even with this set-up, I was unsure as to how well the FD AF would pick out the model’s eyes as the key point of focus – DOF at f/1.2 is razor thin, so this was a significant challenge……..
See on f-sunny.com
Fujifilm Fujinon XF 56mm F1.2
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